Monday, June 17, 2013

I like visual novels

- I like visual novels, the novels that lurk in pictures,
with a contemporary consciousness of ruptures, blockages, surprises, interruptions, steve Reich's rythms and frictions. In books, turning a page is more that a movement.- Unknown

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Garry Winogrand (photographer) on Photography

‘Photography is not about the thing photographed. It is about how that thing looks photographed.’

Why do we take photographs?

We take photographs to share experiences, to show people things that they would otherwise not see, and to say something about the world or the self that cannot be better said in words.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The House of Love

"Once the photographic image enters the world, the world itself is changed- it becomes something to contemplate, to revere, to examine and classify. What the photograph displaces is not- as is usually claimed- the art of painting but that of writing: the keeping of a diary, the writing of letters, as means to sift the blur of the everyday and to arrange it into the sense of a life, have disappeared. The camera has replaced them as a means to record and memorialise our lives"- by Sunil Khilnani in Dayanita Singh's book 'The House of Love'. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

By Mahesh Bhat on Photobooks

I sometimes feel that memories are the only reality in this completely ephemeral life and photo-books help the reader immerse in that reality. 

Photo books stand the test of time. A book produced eight decades ago can still be enjoyed, the photographs tell us so much more than words.